The benefits

The benefits

Project Fusion, or the work to bring together community, mental health and learning disability services across Hampshire, will have a range of benefits for our patients and staff. Some of the main ones are listed below.

  • Improved consistency of care
    We understand that it can be incredibly frustrating to keep having to describe your situation, issue or medical history as you move between services which are often provided by different organisations. By coming together as part of Project Fusion we hope to improve consistency of care for our patients, ensuring their transition between services is seamless wherever possible. 
  • Improved access, especially to those most in need
    Improving access to care is a key aim of Project Fusion. We know that across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight we have a diverse and growing population and we need to ensure everyone has the same access to services. Over recent years we have seen how demand can affect services and prevent those in need getting the care they need swiftly and efficiently. Our hope is that by coming together we can improve access, especially for those most in need.
  • More joined up services, across services and geographies
    We also know that the more joined up our services are the better outcomes and experiences our patients, carers and family members will have. This is a challenge when many interdependent services are located across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, and across several different organisations. Coming together means that services can be more closely aligned and operate in a much more effective way across the area.
  • Greater patient experience
    We believe bringing our services together will offer a greater patient experience. Bringing services together will offer improved consistency of care across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, improve access to our services and a better more consistent experience.
  • Reduced staffing vacancies and better retention of staff
    Recruitment and retention is one of the biggest issues affecting the NHS, which is currently operating with around a 10% vacancy rate. Bringing our services together will enable us to be more resilient to staffing challenges whilst also making us a more attractive place to work, helping with our ongoing recruitment programmes.
  • Enhanced patient voice
    We are working closely with our service users, Healthwatch and local communities to gain as much feedback as possible to help shape Project Fusion. We are keen to hear as many voices as possible and for us to continue working with our patients well after Project Fusion and the new Trust is formed. If you’d like to get more involved visit the Get involved page.
  • Improved development and career opportunities for staff
    We know that one of the biggest challenges for the NHS is recruiting and, just as important, retaining our staff. A key part of retaining our staff is ensuing they have the best opportunities to develop their careers in whatever way they chose. That could be enabling them to move into different areas or specialisms, supporting them to undertake research or academic opportunities, or simply offering them the security and flexibility to work around their family commitments.
  • More sustainable services
    In October 2020, the NHS became the world’s first health service to commit to reaching carbon net zero, in response to the profound and growing threat to health posed by climate change. The “Delivering a Net Zero Health Service” report sets out a clear ambition and two evidence-based targets. The new organisation will have sustainability at its heart - from the energy we use, the materials and products we procure, to the long-term efficieny of the services we provide. 

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